April 2009 Archives

New Paintings Emerge

I haven't posted in a while; there was a break while I made and primed more panels, and then I was painting but not photographing. But I'm back now with some of my latest paintings.

Chris Rywalt, I Can Do Color 2 (in progress), 2009, oil on panel

Chris Rywalt, I Can Do Color 2 (in progress), 2009, oil on panel

Chris Rywalt, Abstract Background #1, 2009, oil on panel

Chris Rywalt, Abstract Background #1, 2009, oil on panel

I decided to paint on top of the abstract "I Can Do Color" thing I posted a little while back. You can see the before and after here.

Chris Rywalt, Miro, Miro, 2009, oil on panel

Chris Rywalt, Miró, Miró, 2009, oil on panel

Someone's been leaving old magazines piled up in the common area outside my studio. Reading one of them, I found a Peter Schjeldahl article on Joan Miró and the most recent show of his work at MoMA. There was this photo of good old Joan with one of his paintings behind him. I couldn't see much of it but a little bit, one of his calligraphic figures, caught my eye, and I decided, combined with my other work, the figure could take on new meaning if I threw it in there. It turns out the work behind Joan is his Painting from 1953.

Chris Rywalt, Sunset Nude #1, 2009, oil on panel

Chris Rywalt, Sunset Nude #1, 2009, oil on panel

Then, finally, keeping with the theme I've been toying with of abstract colored backgrounds with graphic figures, there's Sunset Nude #1, which sounds like a Tom Wesselmann painting, but doesn't really look like one.

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