Plein Jane Air 2

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View From My Door

The view from my front door. Hazier and less blue than when it caught my eye.

Sending William off on his walk to school this morning I was struck, as I often am, by the contrast of shadowed trees against the morning sky. Something about the near-black of the leaves against the bright hammered blue always makes me think of painting. There's a reason I really like Magritte's "Empire of Light".

As William wandered off I realized I might still have usable paint from yesterday. In particular some ultramarine left on the palette. Ultramarine plus white equals sky!

Thus it was the morning found me standing in my sleepwear, barely able to focus my eyes with the sleep still in them, mixing colors and trying to capture what I'd seen.

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This page contains a single entry by Chris Rywalt published on September 23, 2010 8:41 AM.

Plein Jane Air was the previous entry in this blog.

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